Social Media Addiction is a Good Thing When Acquiring English?

Social Media Addiction is a Good Thing When Acquiring English? Photograph from Article (see reference) Mint Reading is an English Learning application developed by Chengdu Chaoyouai Education Technology. It uses the validation people seek on social media to motivate users to complete tasks in order to learn English in order to get a "like" or "share. This company is not alone in using social media to motivate users. Actually, according to the South China Morning Post (2018), "e ducational apps have increasingly leveraged social networking to create peer pressure and keep users going" (paragraph 6). Although some users ended up finding the application annoying (constantly sending out and receiving alerts are the user and their friends complete activities) or somewhat distracting (too much social media, not enough studying) I can find many uses for this type of thinking in the ESL classroom. One example is having students be able to share the...